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HTC Vive Virtual Reality System Tracker Ultimate Tracker 3+1 Kit

Regular price
RM 3,599.00
Sale price
RM 3,599.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Shipping within Peninsular Malaysia | Liang VR Distribution - VR Malaysia
Shipping within Peninsular Malaysia
Secure payments | Liang VR Distribution - VR Malaysia
Secure payments
Warranty and After Sale Service | Liang VR Distribution - VR Malaysia
Warranty and After Sale Service


VIVE ULTIMATE TRACKER 3+1 KIT, sold by 3+1 (3x Tracker + 1 Dongle) kit basis

VR tracker for standalone devices (currently supports VIVE XR Elite and VIVE Focus 3). Use a VIVE Wireless Dongle (included in 3+1 kit) to connect up to 5 trackers and effortlessly bring real-world movements into virtual or mixed reality.

Sold by Liang VR Distribution, experienced Malaysia VR seller. We are experienced and have sold hundreds of VR headset and managed many public VR events around Malaysia. 

Our clients include gamers and home users, corporate customers and event management companies, from property sector to medical sector, from expo use to software developer, and more.

More info about Liang VR Distribution at https://www.facebook.com/LiangVR.Distribution